
A busted website and a baby named Harper.

I've been gone.  A really long time, it seems.  
It has actually only been 4 months. 
But I was shooting weddings and families and cute little kiddos like crazy until October.
Right up until our baby girl made her debut on the 29th.
A whopping 9 pounds (and 1 oz. but who's counting?).
In the meantime, my website broke!
So here I am, starting all over again.
I'll hopefully be posting a lot of the fun shoots I did over the summer soon.
And I say hopefully with my fingers and toes crossed, because we are moving this month.
(and I'm still working! and taking online classes! and basically trying to make my hair fall out!)
Not really on the hair thing.

Meet Harper.

1 comment:

  1. The cutest little princess in the whole wild world!! I'm completely in love with her♥
